

Healing the Inner Me (3 Part course)

1) Healing on the inside can be scary, but truly necessary.

2) Even though revisiting my past hurts is painful and living with that pain for the rest of my life is too costly.

3) Once I’ve found peace in one area, I run to find the next part of me to heal

lightstock_176485_medium_karen_Knowing My Self Worth

1) I am the Apple of His Eye

2) I am the head and not the tail

3)I am victorious over-comers click here


Picking Up the Pieces

1) Broken, but I’m healed

2) Piece by Piece – I Recover Me

3) The Puzzle is Complete

Heart Floating Away Showing Loss Of Love And Broken Hearts

The Power of Forgiveness

1) Freedom Awaits You

2) The Process of Forgiveness

3) Healed and Set Free